NEWS- FROM 2020 on activities by our church

ADVENT COURSE : Circuit bible study starting at Ebenezer, see poster below.

Harvest Service Sunday 6th October 2024: These 3 photos are from our Harvest service. The 1st one is of Rev Keith leading the opening prayer and during this he got the children to scatter leaves and then gather them all up again to fit his words.The other 2 are of the craft the children made during the service using the leaves and they then came forward to explain what they have made.

HARVEST 2024- Rev Keith set us the Theme ‘ Gods provision’ .Pam has created the lovely display in the front of our rostrum in gold and orange colour theme to match autumn colours and the poster.The other displays are of all the donations we have received of tin goods and knitting that will go to Mustard Seed for Romania.The packets and jars that can’t go, will go to the local charity we support Jersey Women’s Shelter.
The Harvest rings hanging from the communion rail were the craft made by those who attended our Generations session on Friday 4th.

Generations restarted with the 6th October session when we were joined by residents from Cheval Roc Care Home for their first time. Some photos of the afternoon, singing session thoroughly enjoyed by all.
There is a video on our website  in the folder called...VIDEOS... if you wish to view and will give you an idea how these sessions run.

1st September:Photos from last Sunday's Welcome Service for Rev. Keith Sandow our new circuit minister.Approx. 160 people came from around the circuit and we received £800 in the collection which will be split between Mind Jersey Youthful Minds and The Bible Society

JULY 2024:The end of the summer term saw twelve of our little Pickles line up in Church to receive their ‘graduation books’ as they move on to their respective nursery schools. Hopefully some of these families will return and join our Pickles Plus Group. This is the largest numbers of leavers we have seen and many started Pickles when they were only months old.  It is always a wrench when families move on but it gives us an opportunity to rebuild the self-supporting ethos and caring community that is Pickles with new children on our waiting list who will join in September.   

Liberation Day Thanksgiving service 9th May 2024: Please see more photos on our Facebook page of  Church decorated for our Parish United Thanksgiving Service.  Just under 50 people came and the collection taken for The British Red Cross was £400.The collection taken each year is donated to The Red Cross in memory of the food parcels that came to Jersey towards the end of the war when food stocks were fast running out and people were so grateful.


Sunday 21st April: Below a photo taken from last Sunday’s joint service at the URC. The Moderator of the URC Wessex synod who has responsibility for the Channel Islands came over for a short visit and lead Sunday worship. He was only recently inducted as their Moderator. Rev. Tony and a member from our Leadership Team met with him and the Senior Elder from URC last Saturday, for an informal chat on the joint services and continuing relationship between the URC and ourselves


Easter Sunday- Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Hallelujah!
Some photos from today's celebration service.( more on our Facebook page). Happy Easter to you all from the Leadership Team at EB.


Trinity Tattler- Spring issue.   Article on our 2 Community Workers

Last Friday Pickles had their annual 'Thanks for Mums' short service with a song and prayer in Church. A few pictures of the daffs, that were given to all the mums.

Generations March session: All keen to join in the 'Be Bold' song , except  one lady and her young helper deep into their board game!

Sunday 4th February: Soup Lunch in our Church Hall held annually and with our URC friends joining us. 7 different soups on offer plus desserts, all delicious , over 20 + stayed to enjoy some social time together.

GENERATIONS JAN 2024: 2 photos showing how well the young children and our senior folk engage over craft and board game activities. An enjoyable time for both age groups.

Christmas Eve service; During our church service the children made the below crib scene using paper towel and toilet rolls  in under 3/4 hour.

Pantivity 2023. Thanks to all who supported this fun nativity service. Our 3rd year. This year.....The Shepherds and The Baby! 

Also play video on our Facebook page,( Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

Father Christmas came to Pickles Christmas party with a present for each child.Remembrance 2023- 2 photos for the annual Remembrance Ceremony that takes place down in Petit Port Bay, Egypt, Trinity where Captain Ayton landed. Considering there we still had very strong winds that morning and a lot of rain overnight, there were about the usual 40/50 people attend. Lots of new faces which is good for the future. The Lieutenant-Governor, Jerry Kyd came as well as the Dean, with our Trinity Parish Rector and Connetable leading the short service. 8 wreaths were laid in his memory by various represenitive groups.
Remembrance service in honour of Captain Philip Ayton
​Captain Ayton was a member of a Joint Allied unit who landed in Jersey in December 1943 on a reconnaissance mission.  He unfortunately died from injuries sustained during the mission.  He will always be remembered by the Parish of Trinity for making the ultimate sacrifice.
 Much more information on this daring mission by googling ‘ Captain Ayton.

Generations- 2 photos below from our October session. Our last 2  songs  as  seen on the screen on the gallery frontage, sang  with usual great gusto and use of instruments.
As the next monthly session isn’t until 24th November, our Community Worker set the  craft activity to make a large poppy ready for Remembrance Sunday. You can see the made up ones in the photo and  unmade material to create them.

HARVEST-2023. We share the donated tins and packets, overseas going to Mustard Seed , and with the knitting. And locally to Jersey Women’s Shelter.
The front of church, we have tried to emulate a river with the blue material, to fit in with Rev Tony’s service - The Gift of Rivers.

At Sunday's Harvest service Tony got the children to add in 2 tributaries to our river, by draping a light and a darker blue material from the choir stalls. What a simple but effective way of explaining his Harvest theme.

Then he did a quiz with the children, small chocolate bars a prize .They had to choose between answers A,B, C and D ,hence the chairs and put their sweets on the letter they thought was correct.
They were then confiscated if they got it wrong!! But with Tony all worked out well in the end. He worked our children hard. 😊

GENERATIONS -September 2023. Our first session of the Autumn Term. It was busy, and plenty of action songs, and a visit by 4 generations of the Saunders family.

Our circuit administrator getting baby ready to play the piano when older!

Actions to song 'Be Bold Be Strong'

4 Generations of the Saunders family

June 2023: Craft work from our Pickles Village groups to go on display at Georgetown Methodist Church to help celebrate their 150th Anniversary.

May be a doodle of text

May 2023: The final circuit Away Day of these sessions was held on Satuday 27th May in our church. Our CLT have now been tasked to discuss at their meeting next Saturday the options that were mentioned and come back to our churches at the next ciuirct meeting with their thoughts.


A busy weekend in May !. Our church was decorated ready for the circuit service Coronation celebration on Sunday 7th May and again for LIberation 78.

Iris Prigent is a congregation member at URC and the stewards at Ebenezer thought it would be lovely to ask someone from there as we join each other for monthly services, to read their memories of The Occupation and Liberation.
Iris married a Jerseyman and she read out his memories of being forced to work for the Germans in late 1944, as he worked in the building trade. He refused so he was sent to Alderney where he was put in the concentration camp ‘Larger Nordeney’. He would have been dispatched to the gas chambers in Germany, but by then France was being liberated. Gordon’s war didn’t end after Liberation. Iris and Gordon married in 1971 but Gordon was still having nightmares and used to get out of bed and stand to attention and shout ‘Achtung’.

Generations in April. Good to see how the children enjoyed playing games with the more senior folk attending.

Easter 2023: We usually place our Cross outside Church on Easter Sunday, decorated with flowers placed by our congregation after they have received communion. These Easter flowers are to represent our risen Christ.This year we joined with other churches at SHMC, so decided to place our Cross outside in our porch on Good Friday to show the sacrifice of Jesus on that day.Then it was decorated with the flowers for Easter Sunday.

Palm Sunday was called an Easteractive service as we all enjoyed the Pantivity so much , we decided to try along similar lines!Rev Dawn wrote a script to inc. the Donkey when at one point he mentioned his starring role of carrrying a pregnant young lady 30 years ago. Mrs Donkey was also there to keep him in order!There was much palm waving and all ages took part in creating an Easter garden. Rev Dawn gave the instruction at the end,  that on Easter Sunday we are to roll the pebble away from the tomb.
Throughly enjoyed by all ages; request for more interactive services. So we plan to do one at Harvest time, date to be set. More photos on our website news page.

Sunday 26th March; Cantabile  performing words and music for Passsiontide. Over 100 people came for this second appearance by Canabile in our church. £1,000 was received in donations, to be shared betweem The Bailiff's Ukraine Appeal and Jersey Women's Refuge.

Tuesday 21st March it was Ebenezer's turn to start the Lent Lunches in Trinity. HTC will organize the next 2 weeks. Over 50 people came plus 20 children from Trinity School.All food items were donated and we received £500 for the Ukraine Appeal. Photo of Trinity Parish Hall, just before we opened the doors!

2 photos from our Mothering Sunday service. The one of our 3 ‘ drama crew’ , is a humorous sketch on Job Vacancies for mothers as per the screen image. Excellent, and to the point on the multi talented skills needed !

We were joined by our friends from URC and Rosemary led another excellent L A.

We also had a ‘Thanks for mum’s ‘ short service in church on Friday morning for Pickles families. It was really lovely ,  the children gave their mums a bunch of daffs. There were 2 Dads there too, as mums were working .

March 2023: Throw kindness like confetti! A wonderful piece of artwork has been created by Ellen Davy and Sally Vasselin, Family Workers at SHMC It is in the foyer of the St Helier Methodist Centre.
Having found the idea on the internet, they worked together using ‘post it’ notes cut into 4 to make the confetti. They then put the display on the wall, taking it in turns to step back to see how it was coming together. Their intention was to make the display bright and vibrant, something different, eye catching and fun, with a simple message - Throw Kindness like Confetti! - with the Bible verse from Ephesians 4, 32: Be Kind to each other, tender hearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you (Hands on Bible NLT)




Pantivity 2022: On Sunday 18th December we held our 2nd Pantivity with Mr and Mrs Donkey ( Rev Dawn and Rev David from URC) .They were joined by 2 young narrators who together told the Christmas story in a fun pantomine way. We were blessed to have many of our Pickles families join us for this alternative nativity service. Many more photos on our facebook page.

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY:This took the form of a local arrangement led by Anne Pryke. J     played the National Anthem through on his French horn, followed by Ian Jayes accompanying the 2 verses on the organ. The large red poppies were crafted by the children which they handed out to the congregation to write a name of someone they wished to remember or other conflicts still going on. They were then placed around the Cross during the final Hymn.

This was another great craft made by the children with food (except for the oars and mast). Melon scooped out for the boat, jelly for sea and jelly baby figures. The words around it say,   “Do not fear, trust in the Lord”. It fitted in with Deacon Sally’s service and the Bible story of Jesus walking on the water out to his disciples during a storm. We are are so blessed to have family ministry through the organisation of craft activities for family worship and Sunday 6th November was no exception with the story of Jesus walking .

Harvest display for Sunday 2nd October: Our main display  of tins and packets ,with others around our church ,which are to be distributed to Jersey Womens Refuge and Mustard Seed Jersey for delivery to Romania. Photos of the Harvest basket competition .The large board was the craft activity by the children on Rev Dawn's theme for our service. Our friends from URC joined us and also our new friends from Kenya ,for an alternative harvest service with much fun from our Rev Dawn! There was a Harvest Basket competition with over 8 entries ; in which Paddington Bear featured twice. One entrant had made a marmalade sandwich to go in the basket with a jar too ! The entrant that won the prizes had Paddington Bear with his suitcase packed with tins for Romania, and a sunflower basket bringing a ray of sunshine on a dull autumn day. Sweets all round from Dawn for all the entries.
We also had a word game with Rev Dawn when 7 people held up the letters spelling HARVEST. Then had to respell the loudest word Rev Dawn shouted out during the story. Much fun with getting the spellings in correct order.
There was also a good number of knitted items to go to Romania.See our facebook for more photos.

 'Our little Pickles had a great time painting on Friday. Using Brown, Green and Red paint they created a Beautiful Apple Tree for Our Harvest Celebrations. Well done everyone.

Sunday 25th September we had an LA led by our Rosemary. Rosemary spoke of the Fruits of the Spirit and also asked congregation members to choose their favourite hymn and tell us why. The children decorated this tree ( see photo ) with paper fruits and words like ...courage, humility, peace, kindness, joy etc., during the service and then came to the front to speak about it. A lovely ' church family' service involving many. 9 wonderful uplifting hymns chosen.!! Our organist worked hard!
We will display this 'tree ' again for our Harvest next week.

GENERATIONS ; our 1st session this autumn. Please see some lovely photos below. There’s one of us singing ‘ BE Bold be strong…..’. inc. a photo where Viviane is helping our Dulcie join in the actions. Never too old at 96 !And a lovely one of a young lad helping Rose who comes in a wheelchair to do her craft work.A real joy to see 4 generations there, helping each other enjoy an afternoon of chat, craft and song. See our Facebook page for more photos.

PRIDE OF JERSEY AWARDS 2022: Community Champion of the year.
Our Community Worker Amy Britton has been nominated by 2 families who attend our Pickles Village activities for the above award.This article appeared in the JEP on Thursday.Unfortunately,  Amy ‘s surname was incorrect and the JEP article also gave the impression that the 3 groups Amy runs for us, are operated through  Jersey Chid Care Trust. Ebenezer’s name was omitted; however the photo shows Amy on our church steps!

PICKLES- GRADUATION 2022: At the end of each school year we have a graduation ceremony in church for all the children leaving Pickles.Then a leaving party in our Hall.
Deacon Sally came to share in the fun ,and hopefully most will re join us for Pickles Plus in Autumn.
More photos on our Facebook page.

Friday 15th July 2022: Our Pickles Plussers had a very special end to their Pickles term with an intertidal walk lead by Lou Wagstaffe! So interesting and so much fun! ❤️

May be an image of 11 people, people standing and outdoors

Sunday we were at URC for our usual ecumenical monthly joint services. It was Father’s Day and the preacher Rev David Prothero said, .........why are there no flowers for all the Dads , mums get them on their day!
It was noted by one of the ladies , and after service a group took the flowers that were on the communion table , quietly disappeared into the kitchen and cut them into short stems. Came out gave all the men one each ! They were meant to be button holes, but most of us didn’t have one, so had to hold instead.
This photo was taken to prove Dads were thanked !

GENERATIONS - Our June session involved our Trinity community police officer coming along with a a uniformed police officer and police car. The children were thrilled to be able to try on police hats and 'have a go' in the police car, with flashing lights etc.
This came about as at our Lent Lunch one of our leadership team were talking to her about our intergenerational work and she was very interested and offered to come along and meet us all. This is a good example of community spirit at it's best.
So popular that our community workers are thinking of inviting them back for a Pickles Plus session in the autumn. As you can see from the photos the 2 police officers were keen to join in with our 2 songs and learned the actions for .......Be bold be strong for the Lord our God is with you. And what a hot day as you can see from the outside photos of the police car. ( More photos on our Facebook page)

LIBERATION DAY 9TH MAY 2022: Below is a photo of our church during the 2022 Thanksgiving Service for our Liberation in 1945.We had over 50 people attend and Kay Papworth gave an amusing account from her childhood memories of the Occupation.Rev Tony led the service and also mentioned his mother’s Red Cross parcel which he keeps under his desk in the Manse study.
Also a photo of our front porch with the 77 bunting and The Queen's Platinum Jubilee weekend in June.

Generations May 2022: Our first session for many months when we could also include the children, as in previous months there were too many outbreaks of Covid in their schools.The craft part of the afternoon was making crowns ready for The Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June.

Easter Sunday 2022: The below photo is the craft activity prepared by the children during our celebration service, with scenes from Holy Week. A very colourful piece of work.

Sunday 4th April: Cantabile  ( Jersey chamber choir) are putting on a performance of 'Words and Music' for Passiontide' at 6 pm in our church.
There was an article in our local paper the JEP on Tuesday, if you would like to read more, click on the link below:

Jersey Heritage have lent the famous Henry Bosdet  painting for Sunday's performance which depicts the scene in the praetorium after Christ’s trial by Pontius Pilate when he was mocked by Roman soldiers, as recounted in Ch.27 of St. Matthew’s Gospel — the Gospels of St.Mark and St.John refer to a purple not a scarlet robe. All the hallmarks of Bosdet’s work are here — the elegant composition and design, the vibrant colour, the beautifully observed figures and clothing, and attention to detail. But it is the expression on Christ’s face which strikes the onlooker. He appears to be carrying the sins of the world on his shoulders, and whilst one soldier guarding him looks uninterested, just another crucifixion, the other soldier looks uncomfortable and shamefaced.


Generations held their 3rd session of 2022 at Ebenezer on Friday 18th March. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of Covid in the primary schools , so again it was decided best not to include the children. They would have thoroughly enjoyed, as our ‘in house’ Quiz Master has now taken on the role of bingo caller! We played ‘Bird Bingo’ and each time a bird is picked Ian had  a booklet to give us some interesting details on them, rather entertaining at times. Those attending so enjoyed , we have been asked to do again.


Friday 11th March: At our weekly Pickles and Carers toddler group our Community Workers organised a Cake Sale for the All we Can emergency Ukraine appeal. They raised the wonderful sum of £200 which has been sent with the donations from our congregation,

Sunday April 3rd - 6 pm at Ebenezer: CANTABILE - WORDS AND MUSIC FOR PASSIONTIDE AND EASTER - Cantabile and young Jersey actors present a distinctive programme including poetry by John Donne, Oscar Wilde, Wilfred Owen, T.S. Eliot and Roger McGough and music by Tallis, Lassus, Victoria, Handel, Tchaikovsky, Walton and Howard Blake.
This is both the first time the choir have performed at Ebenezer and collaborated with actors. Retiring collection on aid of Jersey Women's Refuge More information:

2 further examples of the wonderful craft work produced by our young families on Sunday. The pictures were simply drawn with Posca pens on textured paper and using buttons, how clever. The craft work each Sunday is themed with the message from the service, last week ...I am the vine.



GENERATIONS: As the number of children in primary schools are still being affected with tract and trace we decided that we could safely go ahead with just our seniors.
We postponed from last week, so a few were unable to attend, but those that did had a fun afternoon with board games and  our organist stepped up as quiz master with the Jersey quiz book. Everyone really enjoyed and our community workers think this will work well with the children too, but with some questions aimed at their age. Our community workers daughters were disappointed to have missed!. So Generations evolves.



Chaos around the Crib with a difference for 2021: Our Superintendent led our informal service with a 'Pantivity' just for a change. Great fun and some lovely moments as can be seen with photos below.

November 27th: ...24 / 7 Prayer event at St Aubins this w/e. Below is the contribution from Ebenezer, well done to all for putting this together on our behalf.

Remembrance Sunday 14th Nov: We held our own local arrangement with the children taking part, reading the epitaphs and prayers.They also made the below poppies for the congregation to receive and place under the roses in memory of all those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.





Sunday 7th Nov -craft made by the children during Sunday service:
The Widow’s mitre today - God loves a cheerful giver - it’s not how much you give but what is in your heart when you give it

October 2021: Below are photos of the ‘Pickles wedding’ that took place this afternoon.It was a first for us & our Superintendent Rev. Dawn, as it was both a wedding ceremony & baptism combined!
The family who comes to Pickles had tried 3 times last year to have their daughter baptised, but with the pandemic & family travelling form the UK, just could not take place.This year the couple decided to get married as well, so that their family & friends from the UK would only need to make the one journey to share in their double celebration.
In the photo of the children , Rev Dawn called them 'her little helpers' & got them to come forward every time we had a prayer , so that they could do the Amen, by touching their toes & raising hands to the ceiling with a loud Amen. They also chose the Pickles favourite 'Our God is a Great Big God’ , and Rev. Dawn encouraged all present to do the actions . The organist was our circuit administrator Audrey, & joined in with all the actions too. Our ‘in house florist’ did 2 wonderful floral displays, many thanks to Julia, really appreciated by all the family.A really modern wedding, with glorious weather, it was a wonderful time. Blessings to all the family .

Harvest 2021: For our harvest service, the folk at Ebenezer were inspired by Rev Tony Morling’s introduction to the Psalm 23 Garden at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, sponsored by the Bible Society.  Whilst the ‘green pastures’ and ‘still water’ displays were not quite up to Chelsea standards, the overall theme that ‘God Provides’ in the good and the bad as we journey through life experiences, was powerfully put across by Rev Debbie and enjoyed by the congregation, which included friends from the URC.  The young people created some beautiful harvest wreaths which they shared at the end of the service and crafts made by Pickles and Pickles Plus were incorporated into the displays. Donations were shared between Jersey Womens Refuge & Mustard Seed for Romania together with the knitted items.






September 2021: Our first informal worship service for Friends@4 for the Autumn Term was held on Sunday 19th September  in our church.

This was the bible story 'An incredible feast'- to view Rev. Danny reading the story click on the below link!AlwC-YtVkAiVpuZWoz4qwO4WOjBe4Q?e=48n3PY


Friday 17th September: Our first Generations session since lockdown in March 2020 was held. Our seniors were so pleased to meet up again & meet all the wonderful children that had created craft work which we distributed over the last 12 months during all the many restrictions.

See photos in our photos folder , but the one below demonstrates the joy that they all get working together with the craft activity.

Week beginning Monday 13th September 2021 all our community outreach sessions begin after the summer break

Pickles restarts on Fridays but is already full, Amy is keeping a waiting list.

Our first full Generations session since lockdown March 2020 begins this Friday , arrive from 2.45 pm all ages welcome.

Friends@ 4 our monthly  family friendly services begin next Sunday at 4 pm.Open to all ages.

More details on our Facebook site or email.....



Updated article: The below article appeared in our local newspaper the JEP in their community section


July/August 2021:

Peter Picot whose family attend our church is doing another challenge , this time to raise money for Mind Jersey, see story below....

Peter Picot        Solo Coasteer around Jersey

A solo circumnavigation of Jersey by Coasteering for Mind Jersey because of their great work in mental health support

Mind Jersey

We believe no one should have to face a mental health problem alone.

Charity Registration No. 27


In 2012 a three man team (Iain Picot, Zoltan Zsilinszky and myself) completed what was believed to be the first ever circumnavigation of Jersey using Coasteering techniques. That journey took 29 hours over a two day period. The miles covered was in excess of the accepted chart distance of 43 miles for the Jersey coastline, due to the method of travel not being a direct route.

Nine years on from that challenge I've decided to try again but this time I'll be going solo. Accepting I'm not as young and fit as I was means I'll spread the challenge over 5 to 6 days, completing approximately 6 hours each day.

Coasteering (otherwise known as Coastal Traversing) involves taking a journey through coastal areas using rock scrambling/climbing, swimming and walking as a method of travel. I'll be searching for the safest, easiest and quickest route, staying as close to sea level as possible. For me this is not about finding high cliff jumps or searching for an adrenaline rush, but more about personal endurance, enjoying and respecting the natural environment, while hopefully raising money for a worthwhile cause.

I started planning and training in March and intended to 'go' in June. However, after consultation with Cris Sellares of the National Trust and Birds on the Edge project, it was clear that travel through the Seabird Protection Zone (SPZ - Plemont to Greve de Lecq, in operation from March to the end of July) could not be completed without disruption to nesting Puffins. I have delayed my start date and I'm looking for favourable weather and sea state conditions during early August, therefore travelling through the SPZ outside it's operational period.

Safety and Support will be provided by Tony Coles, Sammy Cornic and Graeme Fitchett who will take turns Kayaking alongside. Without them this challenge could not proceed.

The issue of mental health has been brought into the spotlight as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic. Mind Jersey will need to continue it's fantastic work in helping our community deal with all the issues surrounding mental health both in the present and in the future. Please be as generous as you can for this worthwhile charity.

By doing this challenge I also want to promote my belief in the benifits of exercise and getting outside in the natural environment, and how this can dramatically improve our mental health.

Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.

Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. Your details are safe with JustGiving - they'll never sell them on or send unwanted emails. Once you donate, they'll send your money directly to the charity. So it's the most efficient way to donate - saving time and cutting costs for the charity.

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July 2021: AT the end of each school year we have a Graduation ceremony in our Church ,followed by  a party in our Hall for those of age leaving Pickles, & hopefully will go on to join our Pickles Plus !

Trinity Tattler summer issue: EB. article on our 'creative children's work during our chuch services.

June2021: Finally managed to arrange a soup lunch for our Generations group of senior citizens. They were joined by our friends from around the circuit & our own congregation. They are looking forward to our monthly sessions restarting in September with our young families from our Pickles group joining us after school.
We were also joined by Audrey's new puppies after the lunch, they are both adorable, & provided much entertainment😀

Community Engagement image, as we reopen our Community Outreach groups for the community around us, after all the restrictions.

No photo description available.

Liberation Day Thanksgiving Service: Thanks to all who decorated church & organised this very special annual service. Over 50 people attended our united Parish Service & the wonderful sum of £530. was donated to the British Red Cross. These donations are in memory & to give thanks for our Liberation and also the arrival of the Red Cross Ship ‘Vega’ in late 1944 & early 1945 ,when the Channel Islands were near starvation, having been cut off from the liberated French mainland.

Easter Day: Card created by the children during our service by using paper roll ends, coloured & with stars to celebrate our risen Lord.





Easter Day: The Cross decorated with flowers during Easter Sunday service by our congregation, & continued after by the children to ensure all spaces filled.





Good Friday craft made by the children from Bethesda & EB. at the circuit service at EB. Very simple but effective craft activity for the them to create during the service.
The tomb is closed , but the stone is hinged on by a drawing pin , so we can open on Easter Sunday to celebrate our risen Lord.

No photo description available.

Easter 2021: Our PIckles families got creative again, & we have distributed these coloured crosses & Easter cards to our friends from our Generations Group around the island ,& our senior congregation members.

Mothering Sunday 2021: Praise be, we could open this year.Last year Mothering Sunday was the 1st Sunday we all had to close!So, yesterday we continued the tradition of giving all the ladies in our congregation a primrose & also delivered some to our ladies from our Generations Group.😀

PICKLES: Lots of happy families as our Friday sessions have finally restarted (12th March), although with reduced numbers as we have had to split into 2 groups, each coming alternative weeks, to abide by latest restrictions

People were so delighted with their Heart Bomb cards & decorations, & that we are still thinking of them. We have received a number of emails & phone calls thanking us. This one below was specially crafted by one grateful lady


14th February 2021: Radio Jersey researchers follow churches Facebook pages for their Faith slot on Sundays;& look at ours frequently. Spotted the H B item & keen to know more. Tune into the Faith slot on BBC Radio Jersey this Sunday, 7.35am to catch our administrator speaking to Matthew Price about Ebenezer's HEART BOMB delivery.

Radio Jersey - Listen Live - BBC Sounds

10th February: Image of all the 'Heart Bomb' craft work prepared by our lovely Pickles families over the last few weeks. They have really enjoyed the task , helping us keep in contact with all the special guests from around the island who attend our elderly community groups. This is our 5th delivery since lockdown last year. Deliveries happening this week.,helping those people affected with the isolation & loneliness.
There is a valentine card , book mark, heart decorations & prayer, all very different depending on how each child decided to decorate🥰

8th FebruaryOne of the children from our Pickles Village craft team has been part of the pen pal scheme with one of our elderly members of Generations since lockdown last year. He remembered that Joyce loves doing puzzles & has drawn Joyce doing a puzzle with him helping , on the left hand side of his Valentine Card to her.
Many more examples to follow later next week. Our Team have been hard at work creating some lovely cards & bookmarks as part of the' Heart Bomb' delivery to many of our special elderly friends & others, from around the island that attend our various community groups.


Heart Bomb,- some of the examples on the production line ready to deliver soon !

May be an image of text

21st January 2021: HEART BOMB ! Our 2 Community Workers have been very busy this week photocopying, cutting out, sticking and creating the packs to hand around to our Pickles families to get creative & prepare for our next delivery/postal drop around Valentines Day in February.. We’ve had lots of interest already ,so Amy & Kirsty playing postman and delivering packs all over the island.

No photo description available.

Trinity had the the Christmas Eve slot for the 12 Parishes of Christmas, some lovely shots of our parish

Day 12 Parish of Trinity Dec 24th


Sunday 20th Dec: Instead of our usual 'Chaos @ the Crib' in church, Rev Nico has recorded a story of the little camel & Kirsty has demonstrated a craft actvity, the nativity scene to hang on your Christmas tree.

Welcome to our December craft video for Friends @ 4. on Ebenezer Methodist Church, Jersey   Facebook page.

If you would like a craft kit to colour your own Christmas decoration, please get in touch either by commenting below or sending a Facebook message or email and we will send it out to you. Thank you. Merry Christmas from us all.

More Videos on Watch

Video thumbnail


Welcome to our December Friends @ 4 Story - The Camel who found Christmas

Ebenezer Methodist Church
Thursday 17th December: Our craft team have still been busy this week & painted more 'Baby Jesus' pebbles. These will be distributed around the Parish early next week at various locations for people to find & give them a new home ! We also now have enough to give one to each person who comes on Sunday.   Watch this space for further info.

Baby Jesus pebbles all ready for distribution next week

Our Christmas craft TEAM have swung into action & produced a lovely Stained glass window with a candle decoration to hang in people' s windows with the day light shining through.
This will be posted/delivered to our elderly church members , special friends from our 'Generations group' & other people. Over 30 to receive these, together with a prayer card. 

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We also received a large number of craft items from Trinity School to deliver to the elderly around our Parish. So Maison Cabot & Gallichan, 29 units, & other elderly folk will have a hand delivery from members of our congregation to brighten their Christmas.

Ovor the last few Sundays a small group of us have met to create the below pebble stones. Most are a drawing of baby Jesus in his crib. These will be given out to our congregation over the next week & also left around the centre of Trinity for people to pick up as a gift from us, for their houses.
We heard of this idea on BBC Radio Jersey & was done by a church in Guernsey, so we thought a lovely idea to do for these difficult times for Christmas 2020

FRIDAY 4TH DECEMBER: Our Leadership Team have decided to close Pickle’s & P + until January , as being a social gathering very hard to ensure people keep safe at all times. Our 2nd Lunch for our special senior guests also cannot go ahead, but we aim to do one in the New Year if things improve .

We have also decided to close church again unfortunately, probably next Sunday too. But will advise later next week

Church is decorated ready for when we can return, hopefully before Christmas.Christmas Day service this year is at EBe. , but again decision will be made much closer to that time whether we go ahead & our Sunday service 2 days later.

However, our wonderful Ebe. Team are being as inventive as possible & are going ‘virtual’ with Chaos @ the Crib , that was due next Sunday afternoon at 4 pm

Our Pickles Team decided that we would offer another Book reading Video ,along with a craft video so we can reach people online via………… EBENEZER METHODIST CHURCH, JERSEY ………..  Facebook page.

Amy will do a Book video on the 11th, 18th and 24th for the Pickles  closed FB page.

Rev. Nico will do a Book video of the Nativity and Kirsty will do a craft video on colouring already prepared Christmas Tree ornaments which was scheduled for Chaos@The Crib & Friends@4.

We thought it would be good to upload and offer it on Sunday the 20th instead of the 13th so it will be closer to Christmas Day.

Church decorated ready for our return before Christmas Day.

Our Bethlehem star is now hanging from our front porch , shining out with hope for 2021










Sunay 30th November: Advent Sunday, our journey towards Christmas Day begins. The tree is up in church, more decorating to follow over next few weeks.









FRIENDS@4; Hello Everyone, I hope you have enjoyed watching Revd Nico's Videos on our Facebook page , sharing our story this month of Joseph. The video will now explain how to make your very own Joseph. If you would like to make your own Joseph please get in touch either on here or email Kirsty at and we will make sure you recieve a craft kit.



REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 2020: With restrictions at the Parish War Memorial it was decided to hold a special Service at EB. so that the more senior members of our congregation had the opportunity to be part of a Remembrance 'live service'.

The chldren were very involved with J      playing his French Horn, O   doing the bible reading & making the large poppies in this photo.'

We have just received in the post the June issue of the magazine that the Arthur Rank Centre produce. It is called' Life & faith in rural Britain..... Country Way. This article appeared about our Easter Cross.

Image may contain: text that says ' /country- -way TOGETHER APART: rural church coronavirus CORONAVIRUS RURAL ROUNDUP everyone expectt ourselves trying published middle WEEKLY REFLECTIONS particularly 1am. lone. friends other TOGETHER APART: ARURAL CHURCH proud CORONAVIRUS information rural churches would continue nationally, regionally This REFLECTIONS beer unique, wanted times eased people's lives. suggestion trouble have Week EBENEZER METHODIST CHURCH... located ersey church SUNDAY receiving atArur Picot Ebenezer Methodist Jersey'

Wednesday 28th October:Generations: Soup & pudding Lunch last Wednesday. Thank you from our Leadership Team to all those who made the delicious soups & puddings & helped in any way; we had 20 ‘special guests’ from around the island join us, plus our team of helpers. We received £86 in donations & raised some money for the Poppy Appeal by the sale of ‘Jersey Wonders’ made by Carol du Feu.
We will hopefully do this again early December depending on Covid-19 restrictions.
Kristy has updated our Facebook page:
Hello Everyone, I wanted to update on Friends @ 4 for the rest of the year, unfortunately we can not share our usual fellowship meal afterwards but tea/coffee/ juice and biscuits will be available at the start.

25th October 2020 - David and Goliath

22nd November 2020 - Joseph and his coat

13th December 2020 Chaos around the Crib (this is a joint Christmas service with our Pickles Family)

Image may contain: text that says 'FRIENDS @ 4'

HARVEST 2020: The long harvest wreath was made by our children the Sunday before Harvest to show the fruits of the Jersey hedgerows. The small discs were created by the children at Pickles the Friday before. A great Team EB. effort. More photos in our PHOTOS album special services.

The donated items of tins, jars and packets were delivered to Jersey Women's Refuge & The Shelter.
The knitted items were donated to Mustard Seed Jersey with tinned goods to take to Romania before CHristmas.
BBC Jersey have recorded a television interview with Amy Britton at EBENEZER about re-opening PICKLES and how important playgroups in general are to mums/carers and children....especially coming out of lockdown. The group is currently full but do tune in to BBC Jersey (television) at 18.30 and 22.30 to catch the interview today (Wednesday 30th September)
Radio Jersey ran the full interview over Thursday lunchtime this is the link : and scroll along to 2:31:20 and Amy talks for 3 minutes
Please see below some photos of our church for harvest . Our church is very gratefull to all who helped set up, supplied the many dried goods . The knitted items went to Mustard Seed , Jersey for delivery to Romania together with tins of food. 
Other tins, jars & packets were delivered to The Shelter & Jersey Womens Refuge
The large long wreath was created by our children the Sunday before. The round wreaths were created at our Pickles Group last Friday.
PICKLES PLUS- September 2020:
We are now opening registration for Pickles Plus. Due to the fact that children will not be allowed to share
any craft resources (as they are from different school bubbles) preparing for P+ has become very labour intensive and therefore we will only be meeting indoors once a month. We will also arrange a stomp around the woods/beach/park once a month meaning that we still have the opportunity to meet up every other Friday afternoon.
Spaces are extremely limited for the indoor sessions so please only register if you can commit to attending all of them on 25th September, 23rd October, 20th November and 11th December.
In order to keep everyone safe parents will be asked to supervise their children and help them to social distance and to take turns using certain resources (for example we will only be able to have 4 doing Lego and 2 doing sensory play at one time) and therefore the sessions may not feel as ‘free’ (or relaxing for parents) as they have done in the past. There will also be fewer toys available for younger children (although of course some will be provided). This is just the way in has to be in order for us to open safely at the moment!
Due to the need to deep clean afterwards sessions will be ten minutes shorter running from 3.10ish until 4.30.
Please bare all of this in mind before you decide whether you and your family want to register. We are aware that we will probably not have enough space for everyone, so our apologies if you are disappointed.
If you do decide you would like to register please email Kirsty  giving her the full names of all who would like to attend (including babes in arms) and contact details for the adult attending.
We look forward to hearing from you. Amy and Kirsty xwink

Ebenezer will be re-starting their ‘Friends@4’ on 27th September with a family friendly Harvest themed service at 4 pm.  We have a great story lined up and the crafts will be set up in individual packets in line with government advice for Covid-19 restrictions.   Unfortunately we can't sing, but we can join in with the actions!  Due to restrictions, we will not be having the usual meal after the service, but there will be an opportunity for continued fellowship with light refreshments in the Church. 
All are very welcome , so please email Kirsty on to pre register if you would like to join us, as numbers are limited as per Government guidelines. 


Pickles is reopening but due to new gov. restrictions, numbers are very limited. Our Hall & all equipment has had a deep clean to get ready.

Therefore our Community Worker has had to ask people to enrole for the first time ever.

WE are now full with a few on a waiting list.

So please, do NOT just turn up.

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We received this lovely thank you note from JYPA for using our church for their rehearsals in early summer.

During lockdown we had a good tidy up & found this old hymn book. ! Amazing how over 100 years later this is exactly the message TEAM EB, are aiming for during this pandemic. A ' Band of Hope', a message of hope & support for these difficult times in 2020.

BBC Radio Jersey interviewed our administrator Sunday 30th August on Generations, & how we were running the events/activities during lockdown.

The interview was about 5 minutes long & starts at 2.33 during the early morning Breakfast Show.

See our website for further photos, .....PHOTOS album Generations folder😎

AFTERNOON TEA FOR GENERATIONS August 2020: After all the social isolating it was lovely to be able to restart Generations with 30 special guests from around the island join us. Our first meeting since February!

JYPA- See poster below,This is their latest show. They used our church for rehearsals & some of us went to the performance last night. It was amazing, such talent in our young Jersey people. Because of Jersey Covid-19 restrictions only 40 people can attend each performance.
They hope to be able to run again later this year if our Arts Centre can open for business. Well worth going to see if they do again. Brilliant !

JERSEY YOUTH PERFOMERS ARTS (JYPA)- Parents, teachers and youth workers have come together to launch a new charity aimed at giving children access to the performing arts, regardless of their means or abilities.
Jersey Youth Performing Arts (‘JYPA’), is open to young enthusiastic islanders between the ages of nine and 18 who want to take to the stage or help behind the scenes.
JYPA also opes to provide young performers with a safe space where they can be themselves. “Quite often, particularly for the boys, they get teased or bullied because they are involved in performing arts. It’s great for them to have a room of people who are all interested in the same thing. They all have different backgrounds and experiences, but they all blend together.”
Sponsored by Ogier, the charity is run by a group of volunteers who include teachers, people who have been involved in youth work and parents. “We also have a special education needs teacher,” Rhona said.“In the future we would like to be able to expand so that we can have children of all abilities. The more we can build on the charity, the more audience we have, the more we will be able to do.”
In the future JYPA hopes to forge links with adult schools so that it can push its young performers towards the local adult clubs. “It’s the new generation,” Rhona said. 

Sunday 9th August: Go to our LINKS folder, or Facebook page & view the children's craft activity in our on line cirucit service. Well worth a view!

Pickles activity box is still proving very popular, so will be stocked up throughout the summer holidays

GENERATIONS: We have now set a date for 'Afternoon Tea' in our church on Thursday 27th August from 3 pm. Our first get together since lockdown at the end of March. Photo of our Afternoon Tea in 2019 !

BBC Radio Jersey interview re. UK Web Archive at The British
Breakfast on BBC Radio Jersey - Matthew Price 26/07/2020 - BBC Sounds..... We have received a request from The British Library for permission to place our website in their archives for future posterity. This will be one example of how' churches' had to adapt & adopt new ways of doing things during Covid-19 crisis. 'The British Library would like to archive Ebenezer Jersey website in the UK Web Archive and to make it publicly available; under topic...'Independent & Free Churches or Jersey collection'. The UK Web Archive was established in 2004 to capture and archive websites from the UK domain and across the web, responding to the challenge of a digital black hole in the nations memory. It contains specially selected websites that represent different aspects of UK heritage on the web, as well as important global events. We work closely with leading international institutions to collect and permanently preserve the web, and the open UK Web Archive can be seen at'. BBC RADIO JERSEY- MATTHEW PRICE INTERVIEWED OUR ADMINISTRATOR DURING HIS SUNDAY FAITH PROGRAMME SLOT 26TH JULY 2020

14th July 2020: We have received a request from The British Library for permission to place our website in their archives for future posterity. This will be one example of how' churches' had to adapt & adopt new ways of doing things during Covid-19 crisis.

'The British Library would like to archive Ebenezer Jersey website in the UK Web Archive and to make it publicly available; under topic...'Independent & Free Churches' or our Jersey collection'.

The UK Web Archive was established in 2004 to capture and archive websites from the UK domain and across the web, responding to the challenge of a digital black hole in the nations memory.It contains specially selected websites that represent different aspects of UK heritage on the web, as well as important global events. We work closely with leading international institutions to collect and permanently preserve the web, and the open UK Web Archive can be seen at'.


GENERATIONS: No starting date as yet. However, we are planning an Afternoon Tea, perhaps towards the end of August with social distancing in church which has the space. Some of our loyal monthly guests are very keen to meet up & missing the group, & catch up on all their news. If you would like to join us please let Michael/Anne know please.


5th July: Praise be finally open for worship. The bunting that we flew on the front of our church during the early lockdown period was taken down on Monday.
We decided to leave it up to demonstrate that our church was indeed 'open' , supporting  our young families & elderley folk around the island,even though the buildings themsleves were closed.

July 2020: We are delighted that Pickles annual 'Graduation' ceremony will  take place again this year. But with restrictions this will be held at an outside venue & a much smaller gathering, with only those families with children graduating being able to attend.

June 2020: The Methodist Church London Media Office produce a quarterly magazine 'The Connexion' & this summer issue featured our intergenerational work. This magazine is circulated around the British Isles & to our global partners. Our article is towards the end of the magazine with stories from around the world.

Friday 5th June: Another Butterfly to add to our collection to wing out to our island community. More flying in !
See 7 beautiful butterflies in photos album - Pickles folder.

"Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and pleases wherever it goes".

Sunday 31st May: A thank you card from one of the ladies from Jersey Re-engage Group who comes to Generations.

FRIDAY 22ND MAY METHODIST RECORDERThe Methodist Recorder is an independent weekly newspaper that examines events and current affairs within the Methodist community in Britain and worldwide.   It has been published continuously since 1861.

With the annual celebration of Aldersgate Sunday, please find attached a well-known quote from John Wesley, which is very appropriate in these times & with the community outreach work by our Pickles Team. ( Church service for Aldersgate Sunday 24th May can be viewed in  our VIDEO folder)

This article has appeared in The Methodist Recorder a national newspapaer. Unfortunately, they have got the wrong island !!
The entire culture and lifestyle around the Methodist Church is a vibrant and uniquely beautiful culture. This weekly newspaper gives you the latest on big news and how the church responds to it, news about the Methodist church itself, and more! Buy a single copy or subscription to Methodist Recorder magazine.


Wednesday 20th May: PICKLES ACTIVITY BOX- NEW BITS + change of location.
Hi everyone, so I have given the Pickles Activity Box a revamp and it is now full of new exciting things to do, all connected with a very loose garden/outdoors theme. Feel free to pick it up and take it to your car for kids to have a rummage, just pls return it afterwards.I have been very aware that not all children enjoy art & craft and colouring, but it’s super tricky to provide other things in the box, so I have popped in a little wildlife scavenger hunt and a sheet with a few of my ideas for sensory play that you can do at home with stuff you already have. I am working on some other ideas too!And for those who do like it, there are also some lovely flower and mini beast colouring sheets (one folder suitable for over 5s and another for under 5s) and some really nice foldable ‘cards’ for sending a little love out into the world.
The last folder contains butterflies for our DESIGN A BUTTERFLY COMPETITION. Please get your children to decorate their butterflies using whatever they like, then write their name and age on the BACK in pencil and pop it through the church letterbox again. An external adjudicator will choose one winner from the under 5s and one from the 5 and overs and they will receive prizes!
The final day to give your butterflies in will be Friday 12th June.
That should be plenty to keep you nice and busy (and out in the sunshine) during half term.Stay safe, I miss you all! A xxx

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No photo description available.

Thank you note from one of our Generations ladies who comes to us from the Jersey branch of Re-engage. So sad that Nessie thinks we will meet soon! The loneliness felt by the elderly in our community is becoming more evident now lockdown continues for them.

Two more items of artwork, but this time by 2 young members of our 'church family' . Now have new owners & displayed on their window sill to brighten up each day.

Friday 16th May :  Pauline who attends Generations is in hospital, over the weekend, so one of our young Pickles has prepared a Get Well card, See below.

Thursday 14th May: EXCITING NEW PROJECT ALERT! Some of you may know  Amy has a brother who runs his own media company in the UK,  and he has said that he will edit together for her our very own, super professional Pickles Music Video!!!
 We are going to create a video montage of our Pickles, Pickles Plussers and their family members (yes Mums, this means you too) making some shapes and generally doing some awesome dancing to the timeless classic that is ‘Wiggle wiggle Freeze,’!
Now before you go digging out your leg warmers and setting up your tripod, tomorrow I will be posting the ‘rules’ for making your family’s video, so please wait and read them first. In the mean time you could get downloading the ‘New Wine’ version of ‘The Wiggle Song’ which is the one we use at Pickles. You can get it on either iTunes or Spotify. Then watch this space for more info... ðŸŽ¶ðŸ˜†ðŸŽ¶

Sunday 10th May 2020: Amongst the recipients of the artwork of PICKLES @ EBENEZER is Nessie of St Helier.
She loves the inspiring rainbows etc from the children and wishes the children to know just how much their artwork lifts her patio and indeed her day.


VE Day Friday 8th May 2020: JEP article on 'virtual' Liberation Day service Sat 9th May.

  Thursday 7th May 2020: 

The Methodist Podcast  The Methodist Church  î……Subscribe   A series of weekly podcasts considering the life of the Methodist Church in Britain

The Methodist Podcast    Available episodes ON  GOOGLE PODCASTS . In the latest episode (16) our Administrator was interviewed about  our community outreach work. Starts 4 minutes into the recording.

The Methodist Podcast Episode 16: how churches have responded to the coronavirus

In this week's podcast: * The UK has now been in lockdown for six weeks and during that time many Methodist churches have been working hard providing for the spiritual and practical needs of their communities. * We’ll also be hearing from the President and Vice-President of the Methodist Conference, the Secretary of the Conference and from the Youth President on their thoughts of how the Connexion has faced up to  the coronavirus crisis.   35 min  long

4th May: We have all got used to being at HOME ! 

Monday 1st May 2020: Dear Mike,Thank you very much for your email and photographs.We will have a look on the website and add the content to our web collections for the 'social history record ' during Covid-19  2020.
Kind regards,  Linda Romeril
Archives and Collections Director / Directrice ès Archives et Collections. JERSEY HERITAGE

Pouor achteu en travas en cârr'rie siez mé / Currently working remotely from home.  Jersey Archive, Clarence Road, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4JY

LIBERATION 75 WEEKEND: These are 2 flags drawn by S & E for us to post to all our special friends of EB. & church community.


Saturday 2nd May 2020 : JEP article in their section Jersey Together Community Noticeboard.

COVID-19. SUNDAY WORSHIP & other resources for this pandemic:
Broadcast service for Sunday mornings. USE THE LINK BELOW: • The service will be recorded weekly by a rota of ministers • The service will be available to view from Sunday mornings on our own Youtube channel. Just click into and search Methodist Circuit Jersey UK • Alternatively the link will also be available on the Circuit website home page hand the Circuit Facebook • The order of service is attached if you would like to follow it • If you ‘subscribe’ you will probably get notification when another video has been added to the channel and you will be able to see previous services and other material which we are downloading • It is still early days for our broadcasting initiative but any constructive comments would be warmly welcomed • For our members who are ‘off-line’ we will be posting out hard copies of the order of service. Please let me know of anyone who you think would appreciate a copy.

Thursday 30th April: 

Big thanks to the lovely people at Jersey Post. Amy cheekily asked if we could give a home to any of their gorgeous postcards that they had left over and these arrived  in the post yesterday. They are now in another folder in the Pickles activity box! ðŸ˜ðŸŒˆðŸ‘ðŸ˜€â˜€ï¸

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Wednesday 29th April: Introducing...the Pickles Activity Box!
This will live outside the back door of church  until things go back to normal and I will fill it with fun things for you guys to do. At the moment it contains sunflower seeds (both giant ones for people with gardens and mini ones that you can grow on a windowsill or balcony) and pots to grow them in - once enough people have picked them up I will start a sunflower growing competition - prizes for both the tallest and the most beautiful sunflowers.
There are also 4 folders of colourings: 1) Jersey flags, 2) Jersey maps, 3) a variety of positivity colourings and 4) a variety of colourings for younger children.
Please go any time and help yourself to things that will help to entertain your small people at home.
Please use the hand gel and wipes provided in order to keep everyone safe!

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Monday 27th April 2020- Friends@4 update:Kirsty will send out a craft pack to all our Friends @ 4 children. Our theme for April would have been Jonah and the Whale and she has a couple of simple crafts that could easily be done at home, along with a picture to colour suitable for our wide age range.Kirsty will get the packs all organized this week and get them posted out..
Amy doing some Liberation craft to P and P+.   She will leave a box outside Church, with wipes and gel. It will be a colour sheet , flag and maps.
Amy will also do a sunflower competition, we will supply pots & seeds, some for outside growing & miniture for those growing on window sills.. 
Flags for our members & friends of EB. discussed and agreed that we copy the children's drawings, one or 2 which will have a message on. (E and S)

MONDAY 27th APRIL:  As you may know we were all asked if we could fly flags from our buildings if we can, to raise people’s spirits during Covid-19.We were going to have a service of celebration & thanksgiving on VE Day 8th May ,& to also Inc. our usual 9th May Liberation Service.So we’ve been busy at EB . & decorated our church to cover both the request & for next week’s Liberation 75 weekend.The porch bunting forms an inverted   V  for victory ,  which was used during Occupation  & at Liberation.





Friday 24th April:  'PICKLES VILLAGE TEAM': If there is anyone who would like to have a new pen pal & especially those of you who come to Generations & know one of the children.Then if you would like to have a child pen pal (as we’re trying to build meaningful relationships), please let Michael know if you would like to join in.Joyce and Federico (‘a little friend from Generations’) have started the ball rolling already.
We cannot do this for loads of people. We have about 15 children who want to do it, maybe a few more, this is more about building something deep and important for those we think would really benefit.
Hope you all like the idea, I am hoping maybe we could do a meet up of all the pen pals when this is all over.


Wednesday 22nd April:A retired activity instructor is climbing the world’s highest mountain during lockdown to raise money to support vulnerable islanders through the virus crisis...using ladders in his garden.
Peter Picot (64), a member of Ebenezer M C   is aiming to climb 1,000 metres per day until he reaches the equivalent height of Mount Everest – 8,848 metres.He's hoping the challenge will raise £850 for the Salvation Army, which recently set up a food bank - and, not long after starting, he's already more than three quarters of the way towards his fundraising goal."It should take around 9 to 10 days in total, but it depends how my legs hold out. I may need to do smaller daily climbs, but it will be done!" Peter told Express.The idea for the challenge arose when he was climbing up and down a ladder to do odd jobs around the house during isolation.


Pictured: Peter Picot climbed 1,204 metres in 2 hours 10 minutes on the first day of his challenge. As a semi-retired outdoor activity and ski instructor, the concept that climbing the ladder was 'like climbing a mountain' came to mind."I did some mathematics and decided I could ladder up Everest."Mr Picot originally set his fundraising target at £250, but in just two days donations surpassed his goal on his JustGiving page.He has since had to increase his target many times in response to the generous donations, which have come from as far as Singapore.
So far over £1,600 amazing result. to support the "brilliant" efforts of the Salvation Army during the pandemic."The Salvation Army are doing fantastic work supporting the vulnerable people in the community at this time. They deserve our support," Peter said.
CLICK HERE to donate.
All the latest news from the Salvation Army, UK    breadcrumb navigation:   HOME / NEWS CENTRE / PETER CLIMBS EVEREST DURING LOCKDOWN FOR THE SALVATION ARMY, JERSEY
22 April 2020You are herePeter climbs Everest during lockdown for The Salvation Army, JERSEY

Peter climbing Everest

A Jersey man has been scaling new heights during the lockdown and climbing Everest - without leaving his garden, to raise money for The Salvation Army’s coronavirus relief work.Retired policeman and grandfather of three Peter Picot is climbing the height of tallest mountain in the world up his ladder - almost 9,000 meters, for ‘Peter’s Ladder Up Everest Challenge’.The 64-year-old has been climbing a kilometre -that’s 1,000 meters, every day and said the idea for his Salvation Army fundraiser came to him when he was clearing his gutters one day.
“I wanted to fundraise for a charity that is supporting the covid-19 crisis. I chose The Salvation Army because they are doing fantastic work to support the vulnerable in our community at this time and they deserve our support”, said Peter. Peter’s original plan for his Salvation Army fundraiser was to collect £250 for our church and charity which has a centre on Minden Street in St Helier.But thanks to the support of his friends, family and well-wishers he is now on course to reaching £2,250 for The Salvation Army’s covid-19 relief work.
“I originally set my target at £250 and thought I’d be lucky to get to £500, but I’ve reached that target several times since then due to people’s generosity. I couldn’t have done it without my sons Iain and Richard who put it on social media and it’s brilliant that so many people have decided to donate to The Salvation Army – it’s really helps me to push through when I’m going up and down the ladder.”
Peter will be completing his ‘Peter’s Ladder Up Everest Challenge’ on Thursday 23 April at which point he will be planting a Jersey flag on the summit (his roof). You can support him by donating at his Just Giving page


Sunday 20th: Our 3rd 'virtual bible study' seesion since lockdown, led by Rev Derek. Screen shot of some of the faces joining us .All of us embracing new technology to carry on our church life in these difficult times. We even had 1 very special friend of EB. join us from Scotland !

Saturday 18th April: Our group working like a 'factory' producing more items. This time for our Jersey Nightingale Hospital & Capt. Tom !
Hi guys, a couple of things to keep you busy this weekend. One is making colourful artwork, and then emailing a photo or a scan of it to the company fitting out the Jersey Nightingale hospital.
The deadline to do this is Sunday at 6 p.m., hence why I’m posting now.
The other is making a 100th birthday card for the wonderful Captain Tom Moore. His birthday is at the end of the month and the address to send it to is in the photo below.🌈❤️


Wednesday15th April- Pickles hard work on display by a  gratefull Granny



Tuesday 14th April:  A member of the public passing our church took thsi picture !

Hi All

Mum wanted you and the Ebenezer team to know that she loves her pictures from the children and they are up for her to look at.

....    xx

The lady who recieved  this envelope has major health issues & one of many we included in our distribution.

Wednesday 8th April: This a small example of the wonderful work that our Pickles Village Team have created over the last 10 days. It has been in 72 hours quarantine , ready to post to our young families & senior folk in our 'church family', other freinds of EB. ,& also our very special guests who attend Generations

Our Leadership Team gave some thought of how we would celebrate Easter during this national emergency.
So an EB. Team effort & social distancing !
The cross was put in our church porch for the first time ever on a Good Friday . Ebenezer is on a main road in Jersey, so quite a lot of traffic pass by.
This is to remind us all of the sacrifice our dear Lord made that first Good Friday.

But also in this crisis to remind us all of the sacrifice our health workers here & globally, & all essential workers are making to support us all.

Then we decorated our cross as usual for Easter . And in this crisis shining out with light, love & hope for this Easter message

Hymn     ' Father I place into your hands.'..... this is a hymn that Anne, Rosemary & Mike use the first 2 verses  as a PRAYER

Father, I place into your hands, The things I cannot do.
Father, I place into your hands, The things that I've been through.
Father, I place into your hands,The way that I should go,
                 For I know I always can trust You.

Father, I place into your hands, My friends and family.
Father, I place into your hands,The things that trouble me.
Father, I place into your hands, The person I would be.
                 For I know I always can trust You.

Bible verses: In these very difficult times if you would like to read from the bible,
we suggest these short readings………… John 14 verse 27,
 & also,   1 Peter 5: 7  John 3: 16      2 Timothy 4:17

There are 4 ways to access our weekly Sunday morning broadcast from SHMC:  The first is the easiest:  and click into the pale blue News circle for the link to the broadcast and also the order of service then ‘Methodist Circuit Jersey UK’ for our own channel.  You will also see other services and videos which we post and click into ‘join us on Facebook’ on the top banner and scroll down to the picture of the SHMC

Lord Jesus Christ, you taught us to love our neighbour, and to care for those in need as if we were caring for you.
In this time of anxiety, give us strength to comfort the fearful, to tend the sick, and to assure the isolated of our love and your love, for your name’s sake.              Amen.                                ( Supplied by The Anglican Dean of Jersey )  An Easter pledge to the nation-    A pledge this Easter.

With Easter this weekend, we want to get the message far and wide that the Church is here for the nation. This Easter we are asking 1000 UK Church leaders to publicly commit to supporting their local communities, to bring a message of hope, so that no-one will be alone, without the help they need, during the COVID-19 crisis.
We are working with press and media to publish this pledge this weekend.
Our pledge: Our nation is suffering. This crisis is causing hardship for many millions of individuals and families across the UK. Daily life is out of balance. 
In the last weeks, millions of people across the UK have participated in online church services and more will take part this weekend. Churches have been providing food and essentials, caring for the isolated and the lonely, and offering counselling and practical support for those in need. While our buildings may be closed, our churches are open for business. This is our pledge as church leaders across the UK.
We are committed to playing our role, alongside other groups, institutions and organisations, to bring much needed hope to our communities in the weeks & years ahead..

 For those who need help with food, medicine and essential supplies, or simply want someone to talk to on the phone or online:

We are here for you
For those struggling with anxiety and bereavement or who need help and advice on finance, employment or other challenging issues:

We are here for you.

For those working on the frontline, fighting COVID-19 and sustaining our essential public services:

We are here for you.

For those serving in national or local government who are looking for organisations that can lend their staff, volunteers, buildings and assets to support our national                        effort to beat this disease:

We are here for you.

Whatever the future holds, churches in the UK stand ready, willing and able to serve.
We are praying for our country and our communities, and committed to caring for our neighbours in days and years to come.

May the hope of Easter be with us all,   (UK Church Leaders)

                     Thank you, Ebenezer Methodist Church, Jersey for signing the pledge. 

An intercessory prayer
You call us to speak to you in prayer– even when the places we would usually go to are not available.
Help us to know you Spirit’s presence wherever we pray.
Today we especially pray for those who are living in fear – give them your strength.
For those who have not yet realised the urgency of the situation – protect them, and all of us from harm.
Today I especially want to pray for …….
  In the name of Jesus.  Amen


CRISIS APPEALS: we are still receiving appeals for food &/ or cash to help those in our local community, who will now find themselves in desperate circumstances. If anyone can offer help let me know & I can send you the emails with all the necessary info. on



Below is some of the artwork that our Pickles Village Team have been creating to send to our 'church families' & other friends of EB.




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